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Tap Dance Kidnap Page 9

  ‘Are you looking out for someone?’ whispered Captain, glancing over his shoulder. ‘Shouldn’t you be getting friendly with Ingrid?’

  ‘I’m worried if I do she might pounce,’ he said anxiously, serving the men before spotting Alexandra walk up to them. ‘We’ve got company.’

  ‘Well, what do we have here?’ Alexandra said, a bit pissed, swaying by the bar. ‘My, my, you are fine men. Are they friends of yours, Kit?’

  ‘Alexandra, this is Ryan and the-.

  ‘Gareth,’ he said, taking her hand and kissing it. ‘A pleasure to meet you.’

  Kit watched her face light up in delight when she looked at Captain then could see Ryan laughing.

  ‘Kit, man, I need some help,’ asked Sean, looking stressed out. ‘These people are drinking like there’s no tomorrow.’

  ‘Don’t complain. It means we make more money.’

  The tunes Sasha had put together were causing a stir as everyone was dancing and having fun. Trying to hide his disappointment at her not turning up, he decided to throw himself into the party mood, grooving behind the bar.

  ‘Come and join us!’ slurred Estella. ‘We want to see you wiggle your booty.’ Then she glanced over at Ryan talking to some people and Captain holed up in a corner with Alexandra. ‘Your mates look fit, really fit.’

  ‘Think Alexandra has pulled,’ he said, grimacing at the canoodling pair.

  ‘He looks like a nice man. Just what she needs. Come on Kit, join the party will you?’

  He jumped over the bar and let rip, his body pumping to the music. Totally lost in the vibe, he laughed with the others.

  Then something touched his back and he instantly turned.

  Sasha was standing behind him.

  Kit just wanted to lift her in his arms and spin her around.

  That’s how happy he was to see her.

  ‘I can’t stay long, an hour or so. I’m expected somewhere else,’ she said, beaming up at him.

  ‘You look amazing,’ he gasped, admiring her in a little black dress.

  Kit thought she looked more than amazing but didn’t know what else to say.

  ‘You’re here!’ exclaimed Estella, rushing up to her and giving her a big hug. ‘I thought you weren’t coming.’

  ‘Sasha!’ shouted out Glenda as Vanessa joined in. She was getting squashed by all three. ‘I’ll get you a drink. What do you want?’

  ‘I’ll sort her out,’ Kit said, grabbing her hand and taking her to the bar. Neither one could stop smiling. ‘What’s your poison?’

  ‘Usually sleeping tablets,’ she grinned back cheekily. ‘But today I think I fancy half an ale shandy.



  ‘Not a pint?’

  ‘I told you about my peeing when drinking broth.’

  ‘Half pint it is.’

  He fixed the drink, unable to tear his eyes off her as she laughed at the others dancing. Sean was giving him a knowing look but he ignored his friend.

  ‘Thought it’d look nice,’ he sighed, handing her the drink that he’d attached a plastic monkey to the glass as she grinned at it.

  ‘Cheers!’ she said, holding up her glass and knocking back half of it.

  ‘You’re thirsty?’

  ‘Just getting hydrated to dance. Are you allowed to?’

  ‘Just stop me!’

  They went into the crowd and started dancing together but not touching.

  He was oblivious to anyone else.

  All he could see was Sasha.

  He felt deliriously happy.

  Before he knew it, Ingrid came along and muscled in on the act as he tried to stick close to Sasha but noticed she walked off to the toilets. Kit followed and stopped when he heard Estella talking to her.

  ‘You sure you’re alright?’ the woman asked quietly. ‘You don’t have to go. You can stay here.’

  ‘I promised I’d attend. They’re not meeting until ten. I don’t want to let anyone down.’

  ‘Sasha stay here, for me.’

  ‘It’s Paul’s lot. I have to go. They expect me there.’

  ‘And you’re alright?’

  ‘I’m fine. Stop worrying.’

  ‘That’s all I ever do.’

  ‘I can’t pay for your next facelift. Even I don’t have enough money,’ laughed Sasha.

  ‘You seem very well. I want you to stay like this.’

  ‘It’s hard. This time of year is painful but I’m okay. Don’t fuss but I really need a pee before I leave. Say goodbye to the others and Kit, you must tell him bye from me.’

  ‘Why don’t you say it yourself? I saw you and him. You like him don’t you?’

  ‘He’s a nice guy,’ she replied, making him smile.

  ‘Why’ve you gone red?’ Estella laughed.

  ‘Because I’m busting to pee!’ Sasha huffed. ‘Go harass someone else.’

  ‘Give me a kiss then.’

  This puzzled him for a moment. He then heard Sasha laugh before saying,

  ‘Drunken old woman.’

  ‘Less of the ‘old’,’ replied Estella, laughing her head off and heading back his way.

  Kit heard footsteps and went into the empty toilet, seeing Estella stumble past. He then held the door slightly ajar waiting for Sasha.

  ‘Hello,’ he said, seeing her jump. ‘Are you leaving?’

  ‘God, you frightened the living daylights out of me! Is that what you do? Peek at your guests?’

  ‘Just wanted to know where you’d gone.’

  ‘I have to meet some people. My ex’s family. I have no choice.’

  ‘The tunes are brilliant,’ he blurted out, knowing he wanted to beg her to stay. ‘Thank you.’


  ‘I need to pay you back.’

  ‘You eat with me twice a week, you don’t have to. Plus I should pay for your laundry considering how many times I’ve covered you in soup.’

  ‘Do you have to go?’

  ‘I’ll be letting people down if I don’t,’ she said then looked straight into his eyes. ‘Have a wonderful Christmas, Kit.’

  It was very sudden.

  The kiss.

  Kit wrapped his arms around her and pulled Sasha into the toilet. They pushed their bodies together. Her mouth tasted sweet as he explored it with his tongue, her hands gently rubbing his back.

  They couldn’t stop but she eventually pushed him away.

  Both of them laughed. They stared at each other.

  ‘I want to see you, take you out for dinner, do something nice,’ he said, feeling his heart beat hard against his rib cage. ‘I really like you.’

  ‘I really like you,’ she quietly replied, reaching out to stroke his face. His skin tingled at her touch. ‘And that would be lovely. We’ll hook up after Christmas. I can get your number from Justin or you can ask him for mine. I have to go. There’s a car waiting for me.’

  Kit kissed her again and this time it was longer, their hands exploring each other’s body through the clothing.

  ‘I think you’re working well down there,’ she said, pulling away and glancing at his crotch. ‘All seems pretty perky. I’m getting a little excited too.’ Sasha glanced down at her erect nipples showing through her dress. ‘And that’s spectacular as it’s a padded bra.’

  ‘I’d love to see next time,’ he whispered into her skin. ‘But I want to take things really slowly. I need to. I know how things are difficult with you and you know about me. I don’t want to fuck this up.’

  ‘That’s good. I don’t want to fuck this up either.’

  ‘What do you mean, it’s happening now?’

  … asked Kit, trying to compose his shock when speaking to Captain over the phone. ‘I’ve got to sort out the New Year’s Eve party. It’s the busiest night of the year for me. I can’t just leave! Plus I’m meeting someone for lunch. And why has it been pulled forward and-.’

  ‘Look, we’re all shocked about this but we’ve taken her to the house. You need
to get here as soon as you can.’

  ‘How is she?’

  ‘Upset. I think she’s really scared and might be hurt.’

  ‘You didn’t do anything?’

  ‘No! I’d never lay a finger on a woman. Ryan’s trying to find out what’s wrong. Mate, this isn’t what I was expecting to happen on New Year’s Eve but we need you, just to reassure her.’

  He looked at the time.

  It was coming up to noon and he realised this was going to cause a major problem. Grabbing his jacket and keys, he headed towards the bar which was closed in preparation for the evening.

  ‘I’ve got to go,’ he said to Sean, who was busy stringing up some lights. ‘Something urgent has come up. You know I wouldn’t leave you but it’s serious.’

  ‘Is everything alright?’ his friend asked, looking concerned before smiling. ‘Or is this about your lunchtime date?’

  ‘It’s not a date. I’m just meeting a friend.’

  ‘The same one you were stuck to at the party?’

  ‘It’s nothing to do with her. I have to help someone out and won’t be long. Just cover for me. I’ll be back as soon as I can. You can even go home early tonight then I’ll clear up.’

  ‘Must be urgent. Go on, bugger off. Does that mean you won’t be meeting your friend?’

  ‘I’m not cancelling that for love or money!’

  All over Christmas, Kit was focussed on seeing her. He missed their lunches and all he could think about was the kissing in the toilet. He managed to get her number without Justin’s involvement. This was done by looking discreetly on the dance school’s computer when his brother wasn’t around.

  They’d arranged to meet at the Vietnamese café for one o’clock. His intention was to make sure she went to the New Year’s Eve party at the bar so he could kiss her at midnight.

  It was a start.

  Walking quickly out of the side door, he headed for his car and keyed the postcode into the GPS, which he was told to memorise by Captain. The man was handling the operation with military precision.

  There was hardly any traffic about as he headed off but was shocked to find the place wasn’t that far.

  It was in Richmond, close to the town centre.

  Kit stopped at a gated house, cut off from the rest of the road.

  The gates automatically opened and he drove in, shocked to see that whoever owned the place was loaded.

  He was expecting some shabby run down council home to hold her in, not something so lavish.

  Taking a deep breath, he wondered how Ingrid would react on seeing him.

  Would there be tears and screaming accusations?

  He’d not even thought about how he was going to explain it.

  All he had in his head was Sasha, little else.

  He parked his car down the side and noticed it was a closed off area, surrounded by a vast garden. Just as he got to the door, Ryan opened it and ushered him in. The man looked a little perplexed as he flashed an uncomfortable glance at Kit.

  ‘Is she okay? How did-.’

  ‘Listen to me Kit,’ Ryan said calmly. ‘We think someone roughed her up. She’s screaming in pain every time we touch her.’


  ‘I think that’s why we were asked to remove her today,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘She’s upstairs in the main bedroom at the back. Captain’s trying to see what’s wrong so he can help but she’s not having any of it. There’s something else you need to know.’

  Kit ran up the stairs, ignoring Ryan, and went towards the room.

  ‘I know it’s frightening but I want to help,’ he heard someone with an odd high pitched voice say.

  Rushing in to see who it was, he stopped in his tracks when he noticed a woman leaning down. He couldn’t see Ingrid or hear a sound.

  ‘Who the hell are you!’ bellowed Kit.

  That’s when he got the shock of his life.

  It was Captain but dressed as a woman.

  He immediately thought it was a disguise to take Ingrid.

  ‘Where is she?’ asked Kit, walking around the bed to see her huddled under a duvet.

  ‘She doesn’t want anyone to touch her,’ Captain said, his voice still with a soft lilt.

  ‘Why are you dressed like that?’ whispered Kit.

  ‘Let’s deal with one thing at a time,’ he replied and turned to the bundle on the floor. ‘Please can we look at you? I need to make sure you’re alright.’

  She didn’t move but lay perfectly still.

  ‘We won’t hurt you,’ Captain said, moving closer but she must have felt his hand touch her as she kicked out really hard, making him move backwards.

  Kit took a deep breath and went closer.

  ‘Please, can you just let us check on you?’ he gently asked.

  Suddenly the duvet cover was thrown down and, to his horror, he saw Sasha staring at him looking equally shocked.

  ‘Sasha!’ he said, looking back at Captain then at her. ‘This isn’t Ingrid!’

  ‘What the fuck’s going on!’ she shouted, sitting up. ‘Are you in on it, you arsehole?’

  ‘This is the wrong person!’ Kit said, trying not to choke. ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘Of course I’m fucking well not!’ she screamed, still huddled in the duvet, flashing Captain dirty looks. ‘I was on my way out. Then next thing I know, the car comes here and I’m taken into the house by some black male model and this ugly butch trannie!’

  ‘This has got to be a mistake,’ sighed Kit, realising this would definitely blow it between them. ‘This is Sasha and she’s-.’

  ‘This is the person we’ve been instructed to take,’ replied Captain, obviously upset with Sasha’s name calling. He stood up and stroked his wig protectively. ‘We got a picture of her sent this morning with the instruction to remove her immediately. I figured she was at your party, that’s where we’d seen her before.’

  ‘You wanted to kidnap me!’ she shouted out. ‘What the fuck for?’

  ‘We’ve been told to remove you until it’s safe for you to return,’ Captain replied.

  ‘So you’re not really a tap dancing ex-coke head, you’re also a criminal I take it?’ she hissed at Kit, getting upset. ‘And you being friendly was all an act. I should have known.’ Sasha looked angrily at him. He was speechless. ‘You can’t hold me against my free will. It’s against the law!’

  Kit stood up and started to walk around, thinking hard.

  ‘I thought you said you were single?’ he asked, looking at her accusingly. ‘The person we’re supposed to take is in a relationship. So you lied!’

  ‘I don’t think you’re in any position to call me a liar!’ she snapped back. ‘And I thought you liked me!’

  ‘You obviously know each other,’ they heard a voice from the door say. Ryan walked in. ‘Is this an awkward situation? Last time I saw you two, you seemed friendly enough.’

  ‘This is no more awkward than when you find out someone has pulled the wool over your eyes,’ Sasha huffed before squirming as she moved then flashed Kit a dirty look. ‘It seems to be a regular thing with me.’

  ‘Are you with someone?’ Kit asked again, starting to get annoyed. ‘You might as well tell me!’

  ‘I’m not with anyone, thank you for asking! Not that is has anything to do with you!’

  Turning to Captain and Ryan, he shook his head.

  ‘This has got to be some mistake,’ Kit whispered, trying to compose himself. ‘We were told that the person was in a relationship and she says she’s not.’

  ‘You are Sasha Wilton?’ Captain asked, putting his nose up in the air.

  Kit immediately recognised the surname.

  ‘Yes,’ she mumbled. ‘That was my married name which I don’t use.’

  ‘Then you’re the person we want,’ he sighed.

  ‘What for?’

  ‘To keep you safe.’

  ‘By kidnapping me!’

  ‘Sasha, we’re not kidnapping you,’ Ryan said gently, wal
king towards her and sitting on the side of the bed. ‘We’ve been asked to take you into a safe environment while things are being sorted.’

  ‘What things?’

  ‘Honestly, we don’t know.’

  ‘How long are you keeping me here for?’ she asked and flashed Kit a disgruntled stare. ‘I did have a lunch date but that’s not happening now.’

  ‘You’re here for as long as we are told,’ sighed Ryan. ‘Which might mean a week or a fortnight.’

  ‘No! You can’t do that,’ she said, standing up but then grimaced as she used the wall to brace herself.

  ‘Sasha, are you hurt?’ asked Ryan gently. Kit could see she was in a lot of pain. ‘We’ve been told to keep you safe and make sure you’re well. I need to know. It’s really important.’

  ‘If I’m being held captive then you have to leave me alone,’ she wearily replied. ‘And I’ll have to inform my mum.’ Sasha glared at Kit. ‘I should’ve known better than to trust you.’

  There was a bubbling anger in his chest. He marched out of the room and ran down the stairs. Taking a moment to find his bearings, he noticed the size of the property. Captain and Ryan followed.

  ‘We’ve locked her in the room for the time being,’ said Ryan quietly, looking around. ‘This is a massive place so we need to know where she is.’

  ‘Isn’t that a bit extreme?’ he asked, just thinking his life had turned out disappointingly shit again. ‘She’s not being held hostage.’

  ‘She’s being held safe,’ said Captain, taking his wig off. ‘And I think she’s the type of woman who won’t be told what to do.’ Then he mumbled, ‘Ugly butch trannie indeed!’

  ‘How well do you know her?’ Ryan asked, looking at Kit quizzically. ‘I could feel a vibe.’

  ‘Tell me what happened,’ replied Kit, ignoring the question. ‘I just don’t get it.’

  ‘Here’s what we have to do,’

  … Captain said, sitting down at the table and pulling out his phone.

  ‘Isn’t Wilton the same name as the man I met? Jeremy Wilton,’ asked Kit, trying to piece it together. ‘What’s he got to do with Sasha?’

  ‘All in good time,’ sighed Captain as Ryan pulled up a chair. ‘And you’re not to mention the connection to her at all cost.’

  ‘I need to get back to the bar and-.’