Tap Dance Kidnap Read online

Page 24


  ‘It seems she found out something that’s making the powerful people in her mother’s type of business very worried, including her own mother,’ Ryan whispered. ‘And she’s not with Cameron, who is going mental. I heard he lost it with one of the guys who worked for him and beat the living shit out of him.’ He shook his head gravely. ‘All because he tracked Sasha down but she gave him the slip.’

  ‘Who the fuck took her then?’

  ‘We don’t know,’ said Captain. ‘But whoever it was knew Sasha had discovered something and was staying tight lipped.’

  ‘What’s it about?’ asked Kit as the men looked at each other.

  ‘It’s about her family,’ Ryan replied. ‘That’s the problem.’

  ‘This is an odd place to meet,’

  … said Peter Dooley, walking up to Kit.

  They were in the local DIY shop. Kit decided he was going to decorate his flat and knew Peter wanted to speak to him.

  This way he could kill two birds with one stone and spend less time with the irritating little man.

  ‘I need to get some things,’ he replied, grabbing a can of paint for the bathroom. ‘It’s time to make an effort in my home.’

  ‘For anyone in particular?’ he asked and Kit glanced at the thinning ginger hair. ‘Or are you still keeping off the women?’

  ‘What do you want?’ sighed Kit, walking around the other side of the aisle to get paint brushes.

  ‘You know that job you helped on?’ whispered Peter. ‘Did it have something to do with Sasha Wilton?’

  Kit stopped in this tracks and looked down at Peter.

  ‘Firstly I can’t talk about it. Secondly it wasn’t illegal and thirdly, what’s it got to do with you?’

  ‘Just there’s been some rumble in the jungle, so to speak. It seems she’s worth a mint.’

  ‘Peter just cut the crap and get to the point.’

  ‘Do you know where she is?’ he asked, looking up at him, his face now getting shiny. Kit wondered if the man’s sweat was down to asking questions he wasn’t allowed to. ‘People are talking that’s all.’

  ‘She’s got a price tag on her head. Is that why you want to know?’ Kit couldn’t help but smile at the man’s barefaced cheek. ‘Things that bad?’ Peter put on his false smile, eyeing Kit up and down. ‘I can’t help you. I don’t know where she is.’

  ‘But you stayed with her for the few weeks she was held up, didn’t you?’

  ‘How do you know that?’ Kit replied, squaring up to him. ‘Who’ve you been talking to?’

  ‘And you’re her tap dancing teacher,’ he replied smugly. ‘She’s gorgeous from what I hear.’

  ‘And you know I couldn’t have done anything if I tried, considering I’m not in working order,’ he said, looking down at his much repaired crotch. ‘Sasha is lovely and she’d been hurt by someone called Cameron. That’s why she was taken away.’

  ‘Cameron Lester?’ Peter said, stepping back and looked genuinely shocked. ‘He hurt her?’

  ‘Roughed her up a bit and someone was worried he’d take it further.’

  ‘Fuck! Just stay away from that man. I didn’t know he had anything to do with it.’

  ‘He was her ex-husband’s best mate,’ Kit said, continuing to look at the shelves. ‘He thinks he has to look after Sasha. I hear her mother is someone important in your line of work.’

  Kit turned and noticed Peter was rooted to the spot.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ asked Kit, knowing this wasn’t a usual reaction from him. ‘You look worried.’

  ‘I keep hearing bad things about him. You know he’s ruffling feathers with the type of people you don’t want to get on the bad side of.’ Peter grimaced. ‘Who is Sasha’s mother? I just thought Jeremy Wilton was interested because they were sort of related.’

  ‘You know he’s involved then?’

  ‘Again, you don’t get on the wrong side of that bender. These people are, well, they never get their hands dirty but they get others to do it on their behalf.’

  Kit ushered Peter to the side, checking they couldn’t be heard.

  ‘Is it common knowledge about me being involved?’ he whispered.

  ‘Look Kit, I only know because when I found out her name I pieced it all together. Everyone is looking for her and I just wondered if you knew.’ Peter shrugged. ‘The money would come in handy.’

  ‘Are things that bad?’ he asked, seeing Peter’s worried expression. ‘Gracie said she heard you guys quarrelling.’ Peter raised his eyebrows. ‘She seemed a little concerned. I know Kristin would never agree to it but Gracie is welcome to say at mine.’

  ‘Kristin’s a difficult woman,’ sighed Peter, going a little red. ‘Nothing is ever good enough. I can see why you took the drugs.’ He let out a little laugh before grimacing. ‘She’s enough to drive a man around the bend, I’ll give her that.’

  ‘She likes the finer things in life which I couldn’t give her,’ Kit replied, shaking his head. ‘And I drove myself to cocaine, no-one’s help.’

  ‘And that’s something you have in common with Cameron,’ muttered Peter. ‘Everyone knows he’s a massive coke head but he keeps it under control. Buys the stuff like a fat man buys sugar.’

  ‘I met him once and he seemed very confident and sure of himself. He didn’t look like an addict to me.’

  ‘He’s not only addicted to coke, he’s addicted to power. Wants to be a big player but I hear some deal has gone wrong and he needs an injection of cash. I bet he’s trying to track this Sasha Wilton down for the money.’

  ‘What’s the price tag?’ Kit sniffed. ‘A few grand?’

  ‘Half a million.’

  Kit couldn’t stop his mouth from dropping open.

  ‘Kit my darling, you’re doing it wrong,’

  … his mother said at the Wednesday class. ‘You’re simply not following the rhythm.’

  He rolled his eyes in annoyance before trying to stay calm. Then he noticed Estella was smiling at him, seeing he was getting wound up.

  ‘Yvette, let Kit do the lesson,’ Estella said gently. ‘We know you’re a far better dancer but butting in is only going make him lose the beat.’

  ‘I think he’s lost all co-ordination for weeks,’ mumbled Vanessa before grinning. ‘I don’t mind because I love your pert little bum.’

  ‘It’s shrinking,’ sighed Glenda, pulling a sad face. ‘Kit is simply shrivelling in front of our eyes.’

  He caught his mother’s concerned look before she shook her head and glanced at his crotch.

  ‘They’re talking about my body,’ Kit added before his mother could say something to embarrass him.

  ‘Kit, how’s your friend?’ Yvette asked gently. ‘You know, Gillian?’

  ‘Gillian?’ said Alexandra, looking at his mother before turning to Kit. ‘She’s met Gillian?’

  ‘A few months back,’ Kit sighed, realising they’d never complete another session as they all started to gossip. ‘Can we go back to the routine?’

  ‘How?’ persisted Alexandra. ‘You know him as Gareth, I take it. He’s friends with Kit.’

  ‘They’re special friends,’ Yvette said, holding her head up high. ‘I don’t mind as long as my son is happy.’

  ‘He’s been a miserable git for weeks,’ mumbled Estella. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘Nothing,’ he replied firmly. ‘Can we just crack on?’

  ‘You’ve not been yourself for months,’ added Stuart, shaking his head gravely then readjusting his bandana. ‘Did someone hit you on the head or something?’

  ‘Stuart!’ snapped Vanessa angrily. ‘What a thing to say!’

  ‘I was only asking.’

  ‘Well, say less and tap more!’

  ‘What’s wrong with everyone?’ laughed Bernadette, walking closer to the bar. ‘You guys are in a funny mood. It’s not Kit that’s been behaving oddly. The rest of you haven’t been exactly normal.’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Glenda a
sked snootily, flicking a glance towards Estella. ‘Nothing wrong with us.’

  ‘I’m saying for weeks everyone has been acting a little weird. It could just be me.’

  ‘It’s you,’ said Vanessa firmly, still glaring at Stuart.

  ‘You know,’ Yvette said, walking next to Bernadette. ‘She’s right. We all seem on edge.’

  ‘That’s because of him,’ said Vanessa, taking a deep breath. ‘He’s not been his happy self. Something has upset our lovely Kit.’

  ‘I think it’s Gillian,’ Yvette said with full authority. ‘My son has been let down.’

  ‘I am not going out with Gillian!’ Kit barked. ‘He’s, she’s just a friend.’

  ‘And he can’t be going out with her because I am!’ Alexandra said loudly, hearing the others gasp in the room. ‘Unless he’s been two timing me with him!’ She pointed angrily at Kit. ‘Has he?’

  ‘Oh,’ said Stuart, shaking his head. ‘I thought you said Gareth was ex-military.’

  ‘He is,’ replied Alexandra, looking hurt. ‘Are you seeing each other? I know you were hanging out a lot at the beginning of the year.’

  ‘No we are not,’ Kit said calmly, wanting to scream at them. ‘He is an acquaintance of mine who just happens to be a transvestite.’

  Angrily, he started to carry on with his lesson seeing no one was joining in. Then he glanced at the corner where Sasha would have stood and his heart crumbled.

  That’s what was upsetting him.

  ‘And if you really want to know,’ he said, turning to face them all. ‘I met someone who I really liked and it didn’t work out. That’s why I’ve not been happy. It’s not because I’ve split with Captain, Gareth or Gillian. It’s because they suddenly disappeared and left me. I don’t know where she is or what she’s doing!’

  The room went silent.

  Alexandra and Bernadette let out an impromptu ‘ah’ as Estella, Vanessa, Glenda and Stuart stared at him.

  ‘Oh thank Christ for that!’ gasped Yvette holding her chest. ‘No offence Alexandra but I was really worried that Kit’s taste in women had taken an extreme turn for the worse.’


  … Estella shouted, following him down the road. ‘Will you stop?’

  He’d taken his things and stormed out of the class, knowing he was close to tears and not wanting anyone to see, especially his mother.

  ‘I’ve got to get to work,’ he said, unable to look at her.


  Kit stopped and looked down at the woman, trying her hardest to catch her breath.

  ‘We didn’t mean anything by it. We like you,’ she said, touching his arm as he pulled away. ‘Everyone can see you’re upset about something. I’m sorry it didn’t work out with this woman.’

  ‘There wasn’t any way it would. I realise that now,’ he said, holding the tears in.

  ‘Oh Kit,’ she said, putting her hand to his cheek. He didn’t move, just stared into her eyes. ‘I’m sure it’ll work out in the end.’

  He shrugged before closing his eyes.

  ‘I don’t think so,’ he said quietly. ‘Apologise to the others for me. I’ve not been sleeping well and I shouldn’t have lost my rag. My mother doesn’t help.’

  ‘I’ll have a quiet word.’ Then she laughed. ‘It’s funny about Alexandra going out with a transvestite. Bloody actresses!’

  ‘I know. I’ve got to go.’

  ‘Are you in love with this woman?’

  The question stumped him. He knew the answer but couldn’t admit it.

  ‘What’s the point Estella? I’ve been hurt before so I don’t want the same thing to happen again.’

  ‘This one might be different.’

  ‘She certainly is.’

  Walking towards the bar he was lost in thought. It was quickly dripping in that he could never be with Sasha. Estella’s question threw him but he knew the answer.


  He was desperately in love with her and at a loss on what to do.

  ‘Mr Foley!’ he heard someone shout, stopping to glance over his shoulder.

  He hadn’t noticed the Mercedes.

  Cameron Lester got out of the car, holding out his hand. Kit shook it.

  ‘Hello,’ Kit said, snapping out of his day dream.

  ‘I’m Cameron. We met a few weeks back.’

  ‘Oh yes,’ he said, pretending he hadn’t remembered the man whose face was etched in his head, like his fingers had been on Sasha’s skin, causing deep dark bruising. ‘Is everything alright?’

  ‘I wanted to have a quiet word,’ he replied, his smile bright and even. ‘Is that okay?’

  ‘Sure.’ Kit noticed a couple of men standing by the car.

  ‘Don’t worry about them,’ Cameron said reassuringly. ‘They come with the territory.’

  ‘What territory?’

  ‘Let’s walk.’

  The men proceeded to stroll towards the park, near the bar. Kit didn’t want to point out to Cameron that they were going in the wrong direction but guessed that was the plan.

  ‘How can I help you?’ Kit asked.

  They stopped by a bench and he noticed one of the two men by the car was following them. He sat down and looked up at Cameron, immaculately dressed and perfect in every way.

  ‘March is a very strange month, don’t you think?’ Cameron sighed, inhaling the cold air. ‘You never know if it’s going to snow at this time of the year.’

  ‘Feels cold enough.’ Kit shivered, putting his hands in his pocket.

  ‘Thing is I’ve not had the best year to date and wondered if you could help me.’


  ‘Sasha Wilton,’ he said, smiling widely and sitting down next to him. ‘Have you seen or heard from her?’

  ‘Like I said the other week, she was away. I heard from some of the others in class that she wasn’t coming back. Is there a problem?’

  Cameron was staring at Kit, examining his face closely before narrowing his eyes.

  ‘I’ve been checking a few things out and it seems you spent a lot of time with Sasha before she went away. Didn’t she go to your Christmas party?’

  ‘She did as well as a few others from the class,’ he said, turning to look at the children playing on the swings.

  ‘And what did you two talk about when you were together?’

  ‘Not much. Mostly about her love of musicals and tap dancing.’

  ‘You started taking the classes at the beginning of November?’

  ‘I did.’


  ‘Why all the questions?’ he asked, turning to look at Cameron who hadn’t diverted his stare. ‘She’s a nice lady who seems to have suffered with the death of her children then her ex. Sasha can sometimes be very quiet and the next, she’s more than chatty.’

  ‘She’s very unstable,’ Cameron said, moving his head closer. ‘Up and down. You never know where you stand with her.’

  ‘I thought she was fine. A bit odd, I agree, but why are you asking me all these questions?’ Kit took a deep breath. ‘Has she gone missing?’

  ‘You have a family, don’t you?’ The sentence was more of a statement than a challenge. ‘I bet when Sasha told you about how she lost her children, you feared for your own daughter. Grace, is that her name?’

  He didn’t want to ask how he knew.

  There was no point.

  ‘It is,’ Kit eventually replied. ‘What do you want from me?’

  ‘If you hear where Sasha is, I need to know. I’m worried about her safety. It seems there are a lot of people wanting to track her down. She knows something, not sure what, but whatever it is people are scared. I need to protect Sasha, like have done since the moment I set eyes on her.’ Suddenly a warm smile spread across his face. ‘I watched her grow into a woman, fall in love, get a family then tried to pick her up when everything in her life seemed desolate.’

  ‘You seem to care about her a great deal.’

  ‘I love her, Mr Foley,’ he
said, standing up. ‘And I’ll do anything to make sure she’s fine. Even if that involves the well-being of others and their families.’

  ‘Are you threatening me?’

  Kit noticed the dark eyes challengingly glare at him, realising the man meant business.

  ‘I’m telling you that if you help me then I’ll make sure nothing happens to your nearest and dearest.’ The smile was cold as it was powerful. ‘I think you get my meaning, don’t you?’ He turned to look at the children playing. ‘Your daughter would have been the same age as Florence, that’s Sasha’s eldest. She was a beauty, like her mother. So sad when she died with her brother. It was awful. I felt the pain as I loved them like my own. I’d hate for anyone to go through the same thing.’ Kit stared at Cameron. ‘I’d hate it to happen to you.’

  ‘Calm down!’

  … Captain said, dressed as Gillian. Kit had called him, completely shaken by the meeting. ‘He doesn’t know anything.’

  Kit paced up and down his living room while Captain was perched on the sofa, all made up wearing flat shoes and a woman’s suit. His wig was light brown and for the first time, he actually looked feminine.

  ‘He threatened my daughter!’ exclaimed Kit, trying to control his anger. ‘He knew her name, her age!’

  ‘Listen to me, I can see you’re scared,’ said Captain, crossing his legs elegantly.

  ‘He’s a scary man,’ Kit said, feeling his insides quake. ‘It’s how he looks at you. Just stares as if he knows you’re lying.’

  ‘Cameron’s going to everyone who had any contact with Sasha and is asking around. If he spoke to someone from the tap class, your name was bound to come up. I’ll make sure no-one goes near Grace.’

  ‘How will you do that? He can easily get to her and I don’t know where Sasha is!’

  ‘He probably knows that and wants to frighten you so if she does make contact then you’ll let him know.’

  ‘I’d never betray her. I’d never do that to Sasha. Why would he come to me?’

  ‘Because she was in love with you Kit, even if yours was a heat of a moment thing,’ he said quietly.