Tap Dance Kidnap Read online

Page 30

He looked at his phone and checked the times for the film. Another movie about the London gang scene. Kit thought it might be slightly amusing considering what had happened in the past few months.

  Then he stopped and thought about her, what she was doing and where she was. Captain and Ryan had heard nothing. Estella had stopped coming to tap and he didn’t want to ask Glenda or Vanessa.

  Then he felt sick again at the thought that Sasha might be gone for good.

  He jumped.

  His buzzer went off.

  Kit ran down the stairs, opening the door.

  ‘Hello Kit,’

  … Sasha was looking at him, covered in a very large hoodie.

  Rooted to the spot, he didn’t know what to do but she rushed in and closed the door behind her.

  ‘Don’t say a word,’ she whispered. ‘Not right now.’ Then she jumped up onto a stair, pulled his t-shirt before planting a kiss on his lips. ‘I love you.’

  ‘I’ve been worried sick,’ he said, still holding back on telling her how he really felt.

  All his doubts about her faded away as he held her close and kissed her passionately.

  ‘Can we go inside?’ she asked, pulling away and examining his face. ‘You do get more beautiful every time I see you.’

  ‘I’ve got so many questions and-.’

  She put a finger to his lips.

  ‘I know this is the second time you’ve unexpectedly seen me. The first, I had no idea. This time, I wanted to see you.’

  He picked her up and carried her up to his flat, her bag dropping to the ground. All the time, she kissed his face and he was intoxicated by her warm body and familiar scent

  And he wanted her.

  His body needing to be joined with Sasha’s.

  Gently, he put her down and she stood in his living room.

  ‘This is a lovely,’ she said, looking around. ‘It’s nothing like the place I used to live.’

  ‘What happened after I left?’

  ‘Too many things,’ she said, shaking her head from side to side. ‘He was in a terrible state.’ Her eyes began to fill with tears. ‘I don’t want to talk about it, right now. Are you okay?’

  ‘I was so scared. No-one said a thing.’

  ‘I wanted to get word to you but I was told not to make contact. Kit, I love you so much. I’ve so many things to tell you. I know you said you didn’t want to see me again but I’m sorry. I had to come. Please don’t be mad.’

  ‘I opened my eyes at the station and you were gone.’

  ‘You told me you didn’t love me,’ she gulped, putting on a forced smile. ‘I had to walk away. I didn’t know how to cope.’

  ‘Sasha,’ he said, undoing her hooded top and taking it off, shaking his head slowly from side to side. ‘Should you be here?’

  ‘It’s the only place I want to be, with you.’

  Sasha bent down and took off her boots before standing up. He stepped back when she let her hair fall loose, looking at him.

  ‘You’re the one that gets more beautiful every time I see you,’ he mumbled, stepping closer and wrapping her in his arms.

  She looked up and he kissed her again, feeling her tongue against his. Her taste and smell pulling him in, making Kit love her even more than imaginable.

  It was very fast, the tugging of the clothes, items flying across the room until they lay on the rug. Kit wanted to kiss all over her body, breathe in her scent, to love her.

  With great care, he traced his lips over her skin. He was in a rush but knew the moment should be slow and tender. Reaching her stomach, he flicked his tongue over her belly button and headed between her legs. When he got to her nub, he French kissed it very slowly, stroking it with his tongue. All he could hear was Sasha groaning, touching his head while her thighs spread further apart.

  Then she came, which surprised him as it didn’t take long.

  ‘I love you,’ she gasped. ‘I want you.’

  Again, he gradually moved his lips up along her body until they met her mouth. The kiss was long and he felt her hands manoeuvring his hips between her legs. All of a sudden, she pushed her hips up and he thrust forward, feeling himself enveloped in the warmth of her insides.

  Their tongues were now slowly searching each other’s mouth, dipping in and out, copying the movement of their rhythm.

  He looked at her and she stared back into his eyes.

  Kit was lost in lust and love.

  Every sense of his body was alive and he squeezed her breast, biting gently on her nipples, watching her look so turned on and in tune with his touch.

  If he could have lasted longer, he would have.

  But he couldn’t hold on.

  His orgasm was like an electric bolt through his body. Trying to milk every last ounce, he slowed down his movement, feeling her stroke his back and kiss his shoulder.

  ‘I love you,’ she kept saying.

  He knew he should say the same thing but something stopped him.

  They lay there, kissing non-stop, until he eventually rolled off her and noticed she was smiling. Sasha seemed so happy.

  In the back of his mind something was bugging him.

  ‘Are you okay?’ she asked. ‘You’ve got that frown.’

  ‘I don’t get it.’

  ‘There’s nothing to get,’ she said, stroking his face. ‘All you need to know is that I love you and I hope you feel the same way.’ Sasha squinted. ‘Do you?’

  He looked at her, unable to say anything.

  She was on his living room floor, naked.

  ‘We need to take a shower and freshen up,’ was all he could say, slowly getting to his feet. ‘It’s the first time I’ve had sex on this new rug. I think fluff has stuck to my bits. And we didn’t use protection.’

  ‘Don’t worry about that,’ she said, immediately jumping to her feet.

  It was the first time he’d got to take a look at her. She’d put on a little weight and was radiating health. Sasha looked good.

  ‘I don’t know where the bathroom is,’ she said, glancing around. Then he caught her sad look. ‘It’s okay, Kit. Like in the song ‘You don’t have to say you love me’. I know I’m asking for a lot.’

  ‘Over there,’ he said, pointing to the door.

  He grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom, putting on the shower and waiting for the water to warm up. This time she wasn’t looking at him adoringly. She was just watching the pellets of water falling into the bath. Kit put his arms around her and held her close.

  ‘I don’t want to say anything. You say it all the time but that’s not what I do,’ he whispered into her hair.

  There was a quick nod before she stepped into the bath and stood under the stream of warm water.

  Standing there for a few seconds, he knew she was upset.

  He couldn’t commit how he felt until he was sure about her and what had happened.

  Kit stepped in and took the soap, rubbing it on his hands before gently washing her.

  ‘Look at me,’ he asked. She turned around and smiled. ‘You mean the world to me, you must know that.’

  ‘I hope so. Are you upset I turned up?’

  ‘I’m upset I don’t understand what’s going on.’

  Sasha rested her head against his chest.

  ‘I’m not a bad person, that’s all you need to know,’ she whispered and something gave way in his gut.

  The whole thing with Cameron’s suicide didn’t make sense.

  ‘That’s very good,’

  … he gulped.

  Sasha had let him rest before giving him a blow job as they lay in his bed. She was now kissing his balls.

  They still hadn’t spoken.

  All they did, after making love and showering, was kiss. It was hard to ask her anything as he just wanted to stay in her arms.

  Looking down, he could see the top of her head and noticed her eyes were closed.

  ‘Can I get my breath back?’

  She shook her head from side to side, her
mouth full of him and smiled.

  ‘You’ll choke,’ he said, trying to keep the image imprinted in his brain. ‘And I want to talk to you.’

  Bit by bit, she released him. Kit momentarily lost concentration looking at her full lips covered in saliva. Then she wiped her mouth on his sheet and crawled up his body until she was at eye level.

  ‘Do you really love me Sasha?’

  ‘You know I do. I’m not sure if you feel the same about me,’ she said with a wry sign. ‘Your body loves me so that’ll have to do.’

  ‘Can you tell me what happened?’ She started to look upset. ‘I was taken away and dumped. I managed to get hold of Captain and traced the house. When they said there was a dead body, I thought it was you.’ He watched her close her eyes. ‘Sasha, you were holding a gun when I left.’

  Her eyes opened quickly and she stared at him for a long time.

  Something troubled her and he could see it.

  ‘Do you trust me?’ she asked quietly. ‘I want you to.’

  Kit couldn’t reply.

  Asking the next set of questions would make it uneasy but he needed to know.

  Suddenly Sasha kissed him, taking his breath away, her body pressed hard against his.

  He knew he should hold her at arm’s length, get the explanation he wanted but he couldn’t. Seeing her naked on top of him only reinforced his longing.

  Parting her thighs, she straddled his hips and moved closer to his face, placing gentle kisses on his cheeks.

  ‘I love you Kit,’ she whispered and looked into his eyes. He knew he was frowning. ‘Are you mad with me? I wanted to call you but I couldn’t.’

  ‘What do you want from me?’

  ‘Do you really have to ask?’

  Kit grabbed her head and planted a long kiss on her lips, tasting her tongue in his mouth. His hands travelled up and down her naked skin and he turned her around, so he could lie on top.

  Now it was Sasha who was frowning, watching him.

  He knew it might be the last time, that’s what was bugging him.

  They might not be together again and he wasn’t quite sure why he felt it.

  It took a matter of seconds before he realised the decision would be his.

  ‘Kit,’ she said, staring into his eyes. ‘Are you okay?’

  All he could do was examine her face, the tears welling up in her eyes.

  ‘You’re looking at me the same way when we first met, full of uncertainty. I’d never do anything to hurt you. I’m not like that,’ Sasha said, stroking his face. ‘I don’t know what’s going on in your head.’

  Kit watched a tear roll from her eye down the side of her face.

  ‘This whole thing, it’s not normal,’ he replied, loving her so much but confused on what he should do.

  ‘We’re normal.’

  ‘You’re not,’ he whispered. ‘Your circumstances aren’t. Even who your mother is and the relationship you have to Jeremy Wilton.’

  ‘It makes no difference. I’m me and what happened with Cameron, I didn’t want it to end like that.’

  Closing his eyes, he buried his head in her neck then heard Sasha whisper,

  ‘Please love me, Kit. That’s all I want, is for you to love me.’

  He did.

  Totally and utterly but she was like cocaine in his mind.

  A wonderful feeling, addictive and dangerous.

  Then he felt her arms stroke his back and her body shook.

  Pulling away, he looked at the tears streaming from her eyes.

  ‘Love me,’ she pleaded. ‘Even if you don’t, just pretend.’

  With his fingers, he wiped her tears away and kissed her very gently on the lips. Their tongues met again while his hands stroked and caressed her body. All he could feel was her skin against his and he was lost in love and wonderment when he was with her.

  Very slowly, he started to make love, all the time watching her watch him.

  She looked sad and longingly at him. Kit knew she wanted some reassurance on how he felt.

  ‘I love you,’ she whispered, again and again until he kissed Sasha to stop her from saying it.

  When he came, he held her so tightly, not wanting to let her go. Her arms and legs were wrapped around him, hugging the dear life out of his body.

  It’s as if she knew he was unsure and was pleading for him not to push her away.

  Eventually he lay gently on her, trying to get his breath back, all the time feeling her kiss his head, pulling him so his lips could meet hers.

  He needed to think.

  ‘I need a drink,’ he replied, quickly getting up and putting on his underpants, glancing at her startled expression. ‘Do you want a cup of tea?’

  ‘That would be nice,’ she replied and looked around for something to put on. He threw her his t-shirt which she sniffed. ‘It smells good.’

  ‘Stinks of me.’

  ‘That’s wonderful.’

  Glancing at her, he noticed she wiped her tears discreetly on his t-shirt before putting it on and smiling brightly.

  Walking out of the bedroom, he went to the kitchen and switched on the kettle, wondering how he was going to approach what was running through his mind.

  The doubt about her.

  He loved Sasha, there was no disputing the fact but did he really trust her?

  There were too many loose ends and the only person who could tell him the truth was her.

  Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, her head rested against his back.

  ‘Do you have caffeine free tea?’ she asked. Kit laughed at the question. ‘I’ll have normal then.’

  ‘Where’ve you been for the past few weeks?’

  ‘I was at Jeremy’s house. They needed me to lie low for a while.’

  His heart sunk.

  The thought she might have killed Cameron was still in the forefront of his mind.


  ‘To keep me out of it,’ she replied, her breath covering his skin. He broke out in goose pimples. ‘Are you cold? Do you want me to get you a top?’

  ‘I’m fine. Is it dangerous, you being here?’

  ‘Not at all. No-one’s going to hurt you or your family. That’ll never happen again.’

  ‘Did he commit suicide?’ he blurted out and felt her breathing stop. ‘I need to know you’re telling me the truth.’

  She pulled away and stepped back as he turned. Biting her lip, it looked like she was trying to find something to say. Then she clasped her hands together.

  ‘I think he did. I told him something else, you see. Tried to make sure you were safe before I let him know,’ Sasha gulped. ‘I had a funny feeling he wouldn’t be happy and he wasn’t.’

  ‘About your children.’

  ‘Something like that. I’ve got something to show you.’ He noticed the panic on her face. ‘I can see you’re not sure but you have to be. It’ll make sense and then you’ll understand,’ she said, her voice starting to shake. ‘I hope so.’

  She ran down the stairs and he dreaded the idea she was going to talk around it, avoid the truth.

  Sasha returned with an envelope which was trembling in her hand.

  ‘There are so many things I need to tell you,’ she said, forcing a bright smile. ‘Things have happened since we met, good and bad. I’ve kept some secrets from you, only because I had to.’

  Kit looked at her cheerful face and couldn’t help what came spurting out of his mouth.

  ‘Why are you so happy when a man died? You knew him for a long time and I don’t see any remorse.’ It sounded harsher than intended. Her smile faded. ‘You saw him the same night he allegedly killed himself and still you’re not telling me what happened. You know he might have murdered your children but you’re acting as if it’s all okay.’

  ‘It’s not okay so please don’t say that,’ she replied, pushing the envelope forward. ‘Please look at this. It’ll make sense.’

  ‘Why are you being like this?’

p; ‘Can’t we just forget about that night?’ she meekly said. ‘I came back for you. I want to be with you, Kit. That’s one thing I’m sure about.’

  ‘Tell me what happened?’

  Taking a deep breath, she sat down on the sofa, glancing up at him.

  ‘When you were taken, I had the gun in my hand. He waited until we were alone to tell me that he arranged to kill Henry and Paul. It was all over some deal. Then he started to get upset, saying that the children and myself weren’t supposed to be in the car.’ Sasha blinked, tears rolling down her cheeks. ‘And all the time, I had the gun in my hand.’

  Kit crashed down into the armchair opposite and watched her gulp very hard, wiping her tears away.

  ‘Then what did you do?’

  ‘I wanted to kill him. I wanted to pull that trigger and kill the man who murdered my babies. He didn’t commit the act but he arranged it,’ she said, starting to cry. ‘I didn’t care about the consequences. He needed to suffer.’

  ‘A life for a life doesn’t make sense.’

  ‘Four lives for one does.’

  ‘So you killed him and got it covered?’ Kit felt his breath leave his body. ‘Did you get together with me to try and push him over the edge, make him jealous? Even the so called tap dance kidnap? Was that to create the cracks you could see?’

  Sasha looked at him questioningly.

  ‘You think I set it all up to seek revenge because I suspected he murdered Florence and Mylo?’ she asked, starting to get upset. ‘Are you saying I’m using you? I used everyone to kill him?’

  ‘From the way I see it, this wasn’t normal. You get taken away and he starts to lose the plot. His actions make him out to be a man on the edge but you forced him into it, knowing how much he cared about you,’ he said honestly. ‘This could all be a set up and how do I know you’re not using me to point the blame.’

  ‘Kit, can you hear what you’re asking me?’

  ‘I’m asking you if you murdered him and got your connections to cover for it! It’s a simple enough question.’ There was a deathly silence. She stood, picking up her clothes and putting them on. ‘You want me to trust you so tell me’

  ‘It’s not that simple,’ she said, shaking her head, wiping her tears. ‘No one asks a question like that, not if they know the person.’